Our Journey
The Story of Jersey Cares
Jersey Cares formally began in 2019 but our journey started two years earlier, following the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry which laid bare the extent to which the State had been a ‘neglectful and indifferent’ corporate parent. Having ‘singularly failed’ young people in care, there was an urgent need to rebuild trust and change the care system for the better.
Against this backdrop, a group of people with lived experience of care, Charity CEOs and other leadership figures on the island came together around an approach which was gaining traction in Scotland. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had been invited by the charity Who Cares? Scotland to listen to care-experienced people including campaigners like Laura Beveridge (whose TEDx talk cuts to the heart of why change is desperately needed).
This led to a three year review of the whole care system in Scotland and a ten-year implementation plan, The Promise. It also highlighted that Jersey’s problems were not unique and further fuelled the need for an independent organisation like Jersey Cares to amplify the views of those with lived experience and represent these at all levels of society.

The Government of Jersey (GoJ) and the Children’s Commissioner commissioned us to produce the Listen Louder report which details what it would take for young people with experience of care to be heard. The work of Jersey Cares is informed by this report including our operating model, focusing on advocacy, community, network and influencing.
These four pillars are the foundation of everything we do: advocating for young people, building community, forging networks – and influencing towards the transformation of the ‘care system’. It’s our vision that from this work, people with experience of care in our community will consistently know love, belonging and opportunity.
Our Journey
July, 2017
Independent Jersey Care Inquiry is handed to the State of Jersey.

November, 2017
An alliance forms between the third sector, people with care experience and GoJ. The team is compelled by the need for love and to reduce stigma for children in care. The Learning Exchange Group is born.

March, 2018
The Jersey team are hosted by Scottish Government at their Parliament in Edinburgh. The visit was led by former Jersey Chief Minister Ian Gorst and hosted by the Scottish (then) Minister for Children, Maree Todd.
The purpose of the visit was to learn from Scotland about their journey in listening to people with lived experience of care and allowing what they heard to transform perceptions, policy and practice.
Alongside the Scottish Government, we meet with Who Cares? Scotland, Life Changes Trust, the Scottish Children’s Commissioner, care experienced campaigners and others. The trip is deemed ‘inspirational’, ‘hopeful’ and a ‘turning point’.
July, 2018
We change our name to Jersey Cares to reflect our aspirations. ITV reports on our work and about our learnings from Scotland.
Some young people and team members return to Scotland for the July Summer Camp with Who Cares?
Scotland. After getting used to cold ‘showers’ in a stream, they then have the time of their lives!

October, 2018
Jersey Cares attends the Global Care Gathering event, where we heard from several leaders including Jacinda Ardern.

November, 2018
The Children’s Commissioner and GoJ commission us to produce the Listen Louder report to find out what it would take for care-experienced people in Jersey to be heard.
January & April, 2019
Young people with experience of care and some of the team attend the ‘Partycipation’ events in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Organised by Celcis, they showcase ways young people in Scotland have worked to transform care.
February – October, 2019
We provide advocacy to 14 young adults, including support for individuals to go to university, find a flat, gain access to Children’s Services documents, and to be in touch with his family.

November, 2019
We begin a weekly programme of events, driven by young adults with experience of care. This involves alternating between fun and influencing activities (such as education and criminalisation).
Our Jersey Cares network continues to grow as more individuals come forward to help children and young adults with experience of care. This includes a partner at Carey Olsen who helps to spread our message, social workers lending their support to our mission and a local Pizza restaurant offering their space and catering at cost.
The Philip Gower Charitable Foundation offers funding to support the advocacy work of Jersey Cares.

March, 2020
The Listen Louder report is published, providing a high-level platform for people with experience of care to be heard and for the Government to respond. Senior individuals attend our Listen Louder event and make commitments including the development of entitlements for children in care and care leavers.
March, 2020
We secure funding for 17 young people with experience of care to take part in The Care Experienced Conference where our views form part of a report presented to Westminster politicians.

July, 2020
Jersey Cares is incorporated as a private company with the help of GoJ funding. A Board of Directors is appointed.
July, 2020
Jersey Cares launches with two events: Listening Louder and the Scotland – Jersey Participation Project, organised with Celcis and Who Cares? Scotland. Politicians, social workers, health professionals and interested local people come together in Jersey to hear how Scotland has driven change in the care system and to share best practice.

October, 2020
Jersey Cares begins its commissioned relationship with GoJ to provide independent advocacy to children in care and care leavers. You can read more about the beginning of Jersey Cares here.